Socio Economy and Policy Studies (SEPS) is part of a broader movement in the social sciences for the rediscovery of the socio-political foundations of the economy. Devoted to the advancement of socio-economics, it deals with the analytical, political and moral questions arising at the intersection between economy and society.
Articles in SEPS explore how the economy is or should be governed by social relations, institutional rules, political decisions, and cultural values. Whatever their specific subjects, articles in Socio Economy and Policy Studies (SEPS) should connect state-of-the-art empirical and theoretical work to the foundational issues of socio-economics, in particular debates on the social value of markets and the proper place of economic rationality in social life, and on how best to conduct economic and social policies in the real world of a socially embedded economy. Finally, historical-institutionalist political economy has taught socio-economists how history, collective action, politics and policy can give rise to important differences with respect to the way economies work in the real world. On all of these, SER hopes to offer its readers first-rate empirical and theoretical work that is of interest beyond the narrow circles of disciplinary specialists.
Socio Economy and Policy Studies (SEPS) strongly encourages contributions dealing with applications of quantitative models and techniques to important decision problems in the service and public sectors. Of particular interest are accounts of such studies carried out in developing countries and economically emerging regions of the world. Review articles in important methodological and substantive areas are also of interest.